30 research outputs found

    A Quick Method for the Texture Mapping of Meshes Acquired by Laser Scanner

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    The methodology described in this article was developed in connection with two different projects and entails texture mapping by time-of-flight laser scanner. In order to verify its operational effectiveness and applicability to other contexts, sites with extremely different morphological characteristics were studied. The basic rationale of this simple method derives from the need to obtain different types of mapping – including RGB real colour images, infra-red images, false colour images from georadar scans, etc. – from the same scanned surface. To resolve this problem, we felt that the most appropriate step was to obtain a UVW mapping based on the high resolution real colour images and then use the samecoordinates to rapidly map the false colour images as well. Thus we fitted a device to the camera to determine its trajectory (similar to a gunsight); when scanned by the laser scanner in the same context as the monument, it makes it possible to know the exact coordinates of the viewpoint

    Lo studio ricostruttivo dell'anfiteatro di Lecce

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    EnThis contribution is part of the research activities conducted by the CNR IBAM ITLab laboratory in 2015, within the DiCet – INMOTO project. The reconstructive study start from the historical-archaeological research conducted since 1900 by Cosimo De Giorgi and it has developed thanks to the knowledge acquired in more recent times with the contribution of various researchers. The use of integrated technologies for the survey and study in the three-dimensional environment make it possible to provide a reconstructive proposal of the entire building and the creation of products for the knowledge and fruition of the monument.ItQuesto contributo si inserisce nelle attività di ricerca condotte dal laboratorio CNR IBAM ITLab nel 2015, nell'ambito del progetto DiCet – INMOTO. Lo studio ricostruttivo si avvale delle ricerche storico-archeologiche condotte sin dal 1900 da Cosimo De Giorgi e delle conoscenze acquisite in tempi più recenti grazie al contributo di diversi studiosi. L'utilizzo delle tecnologie integrate per il rilievo e lo studio nell'ambiente tridimensionale hanno permesso di fornire una proposta ricostruttiva dell'intero edificio e la creazione di prodotti per la fruizione e la conoscenza del monumento


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    [EN] In the present project for the setting of the new Museo Egizio of Turin the “cultural message” has been charged to make a few specific 3D computer graphic (CG) movies, and aims to introduce the topics dealt with the rooms dedicated to queen Nefertari, the chapel of the painter Maia and the tomb of Kha, respectively. In these movies, the passivity of viewing is counteracted with an emotional approach that involves the visitor within an informative path where, despite of the inactive kind of interaction, the viewer is somehow involved in the events because he or she is emotionally invested in them. Thanks to this passive and “self-explaining” approach, the visitor will be enabled to understand the relations between different objects, some of which are not directly visible. Moreover, the visitor will be able to virtually insert the tombs within their original context and above all will have the possibility to visit them as they appeared at the moment of their discovery. This has been made possible thanks the use of integrated technologies of representation, able to enhance the virtualization process to a verisimilar level allowing a hyper-realistic and “participative” vision. The high level of realism of the virtual reconstruction, the visual effects and the cinematographic representation, with added emotions to the scientific contents, positively contribute to the “dreamlike displacement” of the visitor between the real and the virtual dimensions.[ES] En este proyecto para la construcción del nuevo Museo Egipcio de Turín el mensaje cultural fue dado a tres películas específicas en gráficos 3D, destinados a la introducción de los temas tratados en las salas dedicadas a la reina Nefertari, la capilla del pintor Maia y la tumba de Kha. En estas películas, la pasividad de la visión se ve compensado por un enfoque emocional que implica el visitante en un trayecto de información en el que, a pesar de la falta de actividad de disfrute, él es en realidad participante, porque emocionalmente involucrado. Gracias a este método, pasivo y “autoexplicativa” el visitante puede comprender las relaciones entre diferentes objetos, algunos no directamente visibles, como la momia de Kha y su esposa Merit, a ser posible reconstruir las tumbas en su contexto original, pero sobre todo la posibilidad de visitar, gracias a las técnicas de la arqueología virtuales, tales contextos como aparecieron en el momento de su descubrimiento. Todo esto es posible gracias a la utilización de tecnologías integradas para el estudio y la representación, capaz de llevar el proceso de virtualización a un grado de verosimilitud hiperrealista y “participativa”. El alto grado de realismo de las reconstrucciones virtuales, efectos visuales y técnicas de representación cinematográfica, añadiendo emoción al contenido científico, contribuyen positivamente a la “pérdida” del visitante entre el real y el tamaño dimensión virtual.Gabellone, F.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F.; Chiffi, M. (2016). SELF-EXPLAINING VIDEOS FOR THE MUSEO EGIZIO IN TURIN. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 132-137. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2016.3550OCS13213

    The Sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur in Terracina: a typological reconstruction as an aid for on site visits

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    [ES] El estudio de la reconstrucción del templo de Júpiter Anxur en Terracina, es parte de un proyecto de desarrollo más amplio que incluye medidas de musealización para las visitas in situ, destinadas a la comprensión de las estructuras arqueológicas que se pueden visitar, también a la creación de contenidos digitales y soluciones multimediales para estimular la curiosidad y el interés del visitante. El proyecto entero fue realizado en colaboración con la Superintendencia Arqueológica del Lazio, Officina Rambaldi s.p.a. y Syremont s.p.a. con el fin de promocionar un video informativo, ya que se describen las peculiaridades histórico-arqueológicas de uno de los santuarios republicanos más importantes del centro de Italia. La reconstrucción de las articulaciones planimétricas devuelve la sensación de espacio y de la complejidad arquitectónica de los diferentes niveles de altura entre los cuales se abre paso la originaria ruta de culto.[EN] The reconstructive study of Giove Anxur sanctuary in Terracina (Lazio, Italy) is part of a wider valorization project to develop a musealization intervention that provides in-site visit, aimed at understanding the existents archaeological structures and to the creation of digital contents and multimedia solutions useful to stimulate the curiosity and interest of the visitors. The entire project was done in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Lazio, the Officina Rambaldi and the Syremont spa, in order to make a digital movie that describes the historical and archaeological features of one the most important republican sanctuaries in central Italy. The planimetric reconstruction returns the spatial sense and architectural complexity of the various levels on which articulates the original path of cult.Gabellone, F. (2013). Il santuario di Giove Anxur a Terracina. Una ricostruzione tipologica come ausilio alla visita in situ. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(9):108-115. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4260OJS10811549AA.VV. (2002): ITALIA ANTIQUA. Envois degli architetti francesi (1811-1950). Italia e area mediterránea (Catalogo della Mostra), École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris-Roma.COARELLI, Filippo (1987): I santuari repubblicani del Lazio, Carocci, Roma.DE LA BLANCHÈRE, M.R. (1884): Terracine. Essai d'histoire locale, "Bibliotheque des Ècoles Françaises d'Athénes et de Rome", XXXIV, Paris.GABELLONE, Francesco (2010a): "Metodologie integrate per la conoscenza dello stato attuale e lo studio ricostruttivo dei Beni Culturali", in F. D'Andria, D. Malfitana, N. Masini, G. Scardozzi (eds), Il dialogo dei Saperi. Metodologie integrate per i Beni Culturali. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 495-516GABELLONE, Francesco (2010b): "Contesti antichi e realtà virtuale: dallo studio ricostruttivo alla costruzione di modelli di conoscenza", in F. D'Andria, D. Malfitana, N. Masini, G. Scardozzi, Il dialogo dei Saperi. Metodologie integrate per i Beni Culturali. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 495-516LÉVY, Pierre (1997): Il Virtuale, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano.LUGLI, Giuseppe (1926): Anxur-Tarracina, in: Forma Italiae, Regio I, vol. I, Ager Pomptinus, Pars I, Roma.ROSSI, Aldo (1978): L'architettura della città, Marsilio Editori, Padova.SMUTS, J.C. (1926): "Holism and evolution", MacMillan, London

    Digital Twin: a new perspective for cultural heritage management and fruition

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    This paper describes the example of an interesting distance visit approach carried out during the COVID-19 emergency, applied to an underground oil-mill in the town of Gallipoli (Puglia, Italy). The limitations of access for people with disabilities and the complete closure of Italian museums during the emergency have suggested the development of an immersive platform, in the broader perspective of using the output in accordance to digital twin perspectives. Then a tool to support an innovative visit method has been realized: a virtual visit assisted by a real remote guide, hereinafter referred to as "Live-Guided Tour" with e-learning functionality. All this has been made possible starting from a three-dimensional model of an underground oil-mill, from which we extracted the stereoscopic scenes. The stereoscopy is very important for the overall success of the project, because this aspect influences the level of interest, the immersion and the ability to generate emotion and wonder. To the best of Author's knowledge, this is the only system available today for a shared virtual visit for an inaccessible context, which implements many features of a VR visit in a multi-user and multi-platform environment.</p


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    [EN] The Graeco-Roman theatre of Catania stands in the heart of the historic centre, on the south-eastern slopes of the hill of Montevergine. The building visible today was built during the Julio-Claudian period as part of a programme that saw the rebuilding of the monument, which probably used structures and materials from the earlier Greek theatre. The work undertaken over more than fifty years, involving expropriation, demolition, excavation, and restoration, has, on the whole, made it possible to bring to light the surviving parts of the theatre, improving the comprehension of this monument, despite the fact that some sectors have been irreparably compromised.[ES] El teatro greco-romano de Catania se encuentra en el corazón del centro histórico, en las laderas del sureste de la colina de Montevergine. Visibles en la actualidad el edificio fue construido durante el período Julio-Claudia como parte de un programa que vio la reconstrucción del monumento, lo que probablemente utiliza estructuras y materiales del teatro griego anterior. El trabajo realizado durante más de cincuenta años, la participación de la expropiación, demolición, excavación y restauración, tiene, en general, hecho posible sacar a la luz las partes sobrevivientes del teatro, la mejora de la comprensión de este monumento, a pesar del hecho de que algunos sectores han sido irremediablemente comprometido.Malfitana, D.; Gabellone, F.; Cacciaguerra, G.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F.; Pantellaro, C. (2016). CRITICAL READING OF SURVIVING STRUCTURES STARTING FROM OLD STUDIES FOR NEW RECONSTRUCTIVE PROPOSAL OF THE ROMAN THEATRE OF CATANIA. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 155-161. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3556OCS15516

    Nueva propuesta reconstructiva para una relectura crítica de la documentación arqueológica de Siracusa en época griega

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    [ES] La reconstrucción de un momumento antiguo está fuertemente influenciada por las lagunas de información, la transcripción incorrecta de las fuentes, las traducciones erróneas y en general las interpretaciones subjetivas que pueden afectar drásticamente al resultado final, generando diferencias significativas entre unas reconstrucciones y otras. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo para la reconstrucción filológica de algunos monumentos de la Siracusa griega, trantando de resaltar la contribución específica de la arqueología en los procesos de interpretación, con el fin de proponer una presentación eficaz dirigida a un target específico de turistas. Siguiendo este enfoque se ha reconstruido el Templo de Apolo, el conjunto monumental de la Piazza Duomo y el Teatro griego, tratando de dar una salida de pantalla adecuada para consultas efectuadas desde smartphones y coherentes con los objetivos generales del proyecto "PON Energy Smart City". Este proyecto implica un enfoque "inteligente" para visistar Siracusa, centrándose principalmente en la fruición para la adopción de tecnologías basadas en la Realidad Aumentada, la visión de los monumentos de puntos inusuales y la visita virtual multimodal de los puntos de interés. Se desprende de este estudio, la nueva fisonomía de aquellos monumentos que, por diversas razones, se han representado en los últimos años de diferentes formas, muchas de ellas irreconocibles entre sí a pesar de trabajar sobre los mismos elementos. Gracias a la tecnología de restitución basada en imágenes 3D fue posible integrar las partes perdidas de algunos elementos arquitectónicos y escultóricos que prácticamente se trasladaron a su posición original, lo que permite una lectura dinámica que combina el verdadero aspecto con lo virtual.[IT] Lo studio ricostruttivo di un monumento antico risente fortemente di lacune informative, errata trascrizione delle fonti, errata traduzione o peggio ancora, di interpretazioni soggettive che possono compromettere drasticamente il risultato finale, portando a ricostruzioni anche notevolmente diverse tra di loro. Questo lavoro vuole presentare i risultati di uno studio ricostruttivo condotto filologicamente su alcuni monumenti di Siracusa in età greca, cercando di evidenziare il contributo specifico dell'archeologia virtuale nei processi interpretativi, al fine di proporre una presentazione efficace rivolta ad un target specifico di turisti. Seguendo questo approccio sono stati ricostruiti il Tempio di Apollo, il complesso monumentale di piazza Duomo ed il Teatro greco, cercando di fornire output di visualizzazione che fossero adeguati ad una consultazione da smartphone e coerenti alle finalità generali del progetto "PON Energia Smart City". Questo progetto prevede un approccio "smant" alla visita di Siracusa, privilegiando principalmente logiche di fruizione efficiente on-site grazie all'adozione di tecnologie basate sulla Realtà Aumentata, la visione dei monumenti da punti inusuali e la visita virtuale multimodale dei punti di interesse. Emerge da questo studio la nuova fisionomia di quei monumenti che, per motivi diversi, sono stati rappresentati negli anni in forme e modi del tutto differnti, tali da rendere a volte irriconoscibili le diverse ricostruzioni dello stesso oggetto. Grazie alle tecnologie di restituzione 3D basate sull'immagine è stato possibile integrare le parti mancanti di alcuni elementi architettonici e scultorei che, ricollocati virtualmente nella posizione originaria, permettono una lettura dinamica che combina l'aspetto reale con quello virtuale.Un ringraziamento particolare alla dott.ssa Gioconda Lamagna, direttrice del Museo Archeologico Regionale “Paolo Orsi” di Siracusa, per aver concesso il rilievo degli elementi scultorei presentati in questo progettoCaruso, F.; Gabellone, F.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F. (2015). Nuove proposte ricostruttive per una rilettura critica della documentazione archeologica su Siracusa in età greca. Virtual Archaeology Review. 6(12):19-28. doi:10.4995/var.2015.4149SWORD1928612BARLETTA, B.A. (2001): The Origins of the Greek Architectural Orders, Cambridge University Press.COURTOIS, C. (1989): Le bâtiment de scène des théâtres d'Italie et de Sicile. Étude chronologique et typologique, Providence (Rhode Island)/Louvain-la-Neuve.DIODATO, R. (2005): Estetica del virtuale. Milano, Bruno Mondadori Editore.GABELLONE, F., GIANNOTTA, M.T. (2013): "Marta Racconta": a project for the virtual enjoyment of inaccessible monuments", CHNT 18, International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Stadt Archäologie, Wien, November 11-13, 2013.GABELLONE, F., GIANNOTTA, M.T., FERRARI, I., DELL'AGLIO, A. (2013): "From museum to original site: 3d environment for the virtual visit of finds re-contextualized in their original provenance", 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress, 28 Oct - 1 Nov 2013, Marseille, France (DigitalHeritage),Vol. 2, Marseille 2013, pp. 215-222. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2013.6744757GABELLONE, F., GIANNOTTA, M.T., FERRARI, I., DELL'AGLIO, A. (2013): "Development of realistic Virtual Environment for a project of Museum Communication", in 6th International Congress "Science and Thechnology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin", 22end - 25th October, Athens, Greece, vol. III, pp. 41-49.GABELLONE, F., GIANNOTTA, M.T. (2013): "Monumenti inaccessibili della necropoli greca di Taranto: un modello di fruizione virtuale basato su interfacce naturali", CIAC 2013, XVIIIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Mérida, 13-17 May 2013.GABELLONE, F. (2009): Ancient contexts and Virtual Reality: From reconstructive study to the construction of knowledge models, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal number 9069, Elsevier B.V.VAN COMPERNOLLE, R. (1966): "Syracuse, colonie d'Argos?", in Kokalos, n° 12, pp. 75-101.VOZA, G. (1999): Lo scavo archeologico di Piazza Duomo, Siracusa

    Virtual Hierapolis: tra tecnicismo e realismo

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    [ES] Una de las principales actividades de la MAIER tiene como objetivo desarrollar una línea de investigación dirigida a la restauración virtual y la reproducción 3D de los antiguos monumentos de la ciudad romana de Hierápolis de Frigia, Turquía. El proyecto, llamado "Virtual Hierápolis, se ha desarrollado gradualmente en las últimas tres temporadas de excavación (años 2007-2009) y ha madurado a partir de las primeras experiencias de la RV aplicada a este sitio en años anteriores. Esta investigación, coordinada por el Director de la misión italiana, prof. F. D'Andria, y llevada a cabo en el Laboratorio de Tecnologías de la Información (ITLab) dell'IBAM-CNR de Lecce (Italia), implica unidades de investigación heterogéneas, comprometidas en actividades in situ, restauración e interpretación de datos.[EN] One of the main activities of MAIER - Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis - has been the development of a research line aimed at the virtual restoration and the three-dimensional restitution of ancient buildings in the roman city of Hierapolis of Phrygia, in Turkey. The project, named "Virtual Hierapolis," has gradually articulated in the last three seasons of excavation (years 2007-2009) and developed from early experiences of Virtual Reality conducted on the same site during previous years. The research, coordinated by the Director of the italian mission, prof. F. D'Andria, and conducted within the Information Technologies Lab (ITLab) of the IBAM-CNR in Lecce, involves heterogeneous research units engaged in field work, restoration and interpretation of data.Gabellone, F.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F.; Limoncelli, M. (2011). Virtual Hierapolis: tra tecnicismo e realismo. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):131-136. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4646OJS13113623ANGIONI G. (1984), "Tecnica e sapere tecnico nel lavoro preindustriale", in "La ricerca folkloristica", IX, pp. 61-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1479377BIANCHI G. (1996), "Trasmissione dei saperi tecnici e analisi dei procedimenti costruttivi di età medievale", in Archeologia dell'Architettura, I, pp. 53-64.GABELLONE, F. (2009), "Ancient contexts and Virtual Reality: From reconstructive study to the construction of knowledge models", in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal number 9069, Elsevier B.V. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2009.10.001GABELLONE, F. (2007), "La ricosruzione virtuale di contesti antichi in archeologia. Un'esperienza di studio condotta sul sito di Jure Vetere", in FONSECA D.-ROUBIS D.-SOGLIANI F. (A CURA DI), Jure Vetere. Ricerche archeologiche nella prima fondazione monastica di Gioacchino da Fiore (scavi 2001-2005), Soveria Mannelli, pp. 417-426.LIMONCELLI, M. (2009), "Virtual Archaeology a Herapolis di Frigia: restauro virtuale e restituzione 3d degli edifici di ordine dorico", in Herapolis III (a cura di T. ISMAELLI), pp. 493-503, Istanbul.MANNONI, T. (2000), Introduzione, in CAGNANA A., Archeologia dei materiali da costruzione, FirenzeROSSI, A. (1978), "L'architettura della Città", Marsilio Editori, Padova.SMUTS, J.C. (1926), "Holism and evolution", MacMillan, London


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    [EN] The roman amphitheatre of Catania stands in a very complex and interesting area where settlement dynamics and transformations have profoundly marked its urban landscape. Over the centuries, the urban and architectural histories together with the formation of the archaeological deposits have led to the complete obliteration of the monument and restricted knowledge of its plan and architectural development. Therefore, it constitutes an interesting context in which to experiment methods and techniques for architectural representation and the three-dimensional reconstruction of the monument[ES] El anfiteatro romano de Catania se encuentra en una zona compleja e interesante donde la dinámica de asentamiento y transformaciones han marcado profundamente su paisaje urbano. A través de los siglos, las historias urbanas y arquitectónicas, junto con la formación de los depósitos arqueológicos han dado lugar a la destrucción completa del monumento y el conocimiento de su plan de desarrollo arquitectónico. Por lo tanto, constituye un contexto interesante en el que experimentar métodos y técnicas para la representación de la arquitectura y la reconstrucción tridimensional del monumento.Malfitana, D.; Gabellone, F.; Leucci, G.; Cacciaguerra, G.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F.; De Giorgi, L.... (2016). INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES FOR A NEW RECONSTRUCTIVE PROPOSAL OF THE AMPHITHEATRE OF CATANIA. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 146-154. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3555OCS14615

    Autism Spectrum Disorder and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Clinical Case on the Potential Role of the Dystrophin in Autism Neurobiology

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    Abstract: A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is reported in up to 19% of dystrophinopathies. However, over the last ten years, only a few papers have been published on this topic. Therefore, further studies are required to analyze this association in depth and ultimately to understand the role of the brain dystrophin isoform in the pathogenesis of ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In this paper, we report a clinical case of a patient affected by ASD and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, who carries a large deletion of the dystrophin gene. Then we present a brief overview of the literature about similar cases and about the potential role of the dystrophin protein in the neurobiology of autism spectrum disord